Silence is fruition itself timeless happening arises so fruition arises from Silence without fruition
Silence leads us from interference to participation
we become the spontaneity, the naturalness, that is fruition leading to fruition
only the Silence teaches the way of Silence
do not try to see this wisdom it will be shown to you that, too, is fruition ~ for Truth teaches Truth you know Truth by meeting Truth
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I would like to say just one thing: Cutting off all thinking, forgetting all conditions While sitting here with nothing to do ~ Yet spring comes, and grass grows all by itself.
*Boep Joeng. The Mirror of Zen.
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Today, in discussion with a Friend about the nature of meditation and, also, its relation to sitting in Silence in Quaker Meeting, we spoke of the nature of listening. Quakers often speak of the purpose of sitting together is to listen. Some might use "God," "Christ," "the Light," or some other word as what is being listened to ~ I prefer listened with or within, since That we speak of speaking is not an object outside us or inside us. Some persons may mean "I am listening for … to speak to me, to give guidance." Others may mean something else, which I now share.
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